Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today I am going to blog about…….. well, blogging.

I just can’t figure out where all the bloggers find enough hours in the day to blog even once a week let alone daily. Don’t get me wrong I find no fault with people finding the time to blog. I just find it difficult myself. If I find the time about once a quarter, I think that I am doing pretty well. But people still ask me, “Why don’t you blog more often?” Well, to answer that, I would love to do so. I find it fascinating not only to write about a few things myself, but to find out what other people feel inclined to write about. However, not only can I not find enough hours in the day to blog on a regular basis, I find it difficult to come up with any innovative subjects to write about. So there you have it. Not enough time in the day and a mind that doesn’t seem to be very creative when it comes to identifying something to blog about.

So here is my decision. I am going to keep a list of things to blog about. So far there are……….Well there isn’t a thing on the list just yet, but if I keep trying, maybe I will think of something in time for next quarter’s blog. I suppose we will have to wait and see.